Lutheran Campus Ministry
For you, O Lord, are my hope, my trust, O Lord, from my youth.
– Psalm 71:5
Worship. Discernment. Study. Fellowship.
The young adults who comprise Lutheran Campus Ministry (LCM) find their strength in gathering together for worship, vocational discernment, study, fellowship, Christian leadership development, and mutual care. At the same time, LCM students continually stretch themselves: advocating and providing for those who are in need, approaching Scripture with honest vulnerability, and sharing the love of God in academic communities. As the students strengthen and stretch, they are grateful for synod staff and local congregations, who graciously engage LCM through partnerships and collaborations, financial support, and prayer.
Find a Campus
Lutheran Campus Ministry at Northwestern University
Lutheran Campus Ministry at Northwestern University is a welcoming place where students bring their questions and their doubts, their keen minds and their open hearts, their desire to grow and be challenged, their surprise to discover that their baptism really does have something to do with their daily lives! Here they are affirmed, cared for, fed, strengthened, educated, and emboldened to dare to live out their faith in their academics, their jobs, their relationships, the world! This is a place where faith grows . . . beyond this place!
Phone: 847-864-7849
Address: 2204 Orrington Avenue, Evanston, IL 60201
Lutheran Campus Ministry at the University of Chicago
Lutheran Campus Ministry at the University of Chicago serves the students, faculty, and staff of the higher education institutions in Hyde Park. Living intentionally as baptized children of God—and nurturing mind, body, and spirit—we gather for fellowship, worship, study, and service. In our work, our play, our questions, and our praise, we both rest in God’s grace and challenge one another to live in faith.
Learn More
Instagram: /uc_lutheran
Facebook: /uchicagolutheran
Twitter: @UChicagoLCM
Phone: 773-493-6451
Address: 5500 S. Woodlawn Avenue, Chicago, IL 60637
South Loop Campus Ministry
The South Loop Campus Ministry is an ecumenical partnership between the Episcopal Diocese of Chicago and the Metropolitan Chicago Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. We work with students who attend the various colleges and universities in Chicago’s South Loop as we seek to create a community of faith that extends outward towards our neighbors through worship and prayer, service and justice, and open dialogue.
Learn More
Instagram: /southloopcm
Facebook: /southloopcm
Twitter: /southloopcm
Phone: 312-545-1976
Address: 637 S. Dearborn St., Chicago, IL 60605
Find a Campus Near You
Are you looking for a campus ministry site near you? Or is someone from your congregation going off to college or graduate school? Use this link to connect to the nearest Lutheran Campus Ministry site.