Compensation Guidelines
The gift God gave were that some would be . . . evangelists, some pastors, some teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ.
– Ephesians 4:11-12
Suggested Compensation Guidelines For Rostered Ministers
The MCS Compensation Guidelines for Rostered Ministers in the Metropolitan Chicago Synod are provided to assist in establishing appropriate salary packages, both for the initial call and in subsequent years.
If you have questions, please contact Tom Anderson at the synod office at or 773-248-0021.

Additional Resources
If your congregation is revising its constitution, or if you have a question about your constitution, email the synod secretary, the Rev. Erin Clausen: .
You can find more ELCA resources and information for constitutions here→
Looking for a specific form, policy or guideline? Try a keyword search at the top of the page, or search document library here→
Has your congregation had a change of contact information? Send any updates of your address, phone number, or key contact e-mail addresses by emailing Heather Haynes, .