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Welcome to Our Synod

We are glad you found this site and welcome you to learn about the ministries of the Metropolitan Chicago Synod. Perhaps you are looking for a church home. Perhaps you are here to find information as a leader or congregation. Whether you’re here for a specific reason or just curious, you are welcome here.

As the ELCA professes, we are the church that shares a living, daring confidence in God’s grace. Liberated by our faith, we embrace you as a whole person—questions, complexities and all. Join us as we do God’s work in Christ’s name for the sake of the world.

Upcoming event

Assembly 2025 registration now open

It’s still more than three months away, but details for Synod Assembly 2025 are coming along at full speed.

Under the theme “Go, therefore!” more than 550 voting members will gather at the Q Center in St. Charles on Friday and Saturday, May 30-31. This year’s assembly will elect or re-elect synod bishop, vice president and secretary, along with other leaders.

Early bird registration ($299) opened Tuesday, Feb. 4. Standard registration ($350) opens March. 4. For those wanting to stay overnight, rooms at the Q Center may be secured while registering.


Proclaim the gospel, make disciples and do justice in Jesus’ name

Who We Are

The Metropolitan Chicago Synod (MCS) is made up of 165 congregations and eight Synodically Authorized Worshiping Communities (SAWC). We are both urban and suburban, with 64,000 baptized members in four counties: Cook, DuPage, Kane and Lake. We are one of 65 synods in the ELCA.

Our mission statement calls us to proclaim the gospel, make disciples and do justice in Jesus’ name. We hope the images and information on these pages will introduce you to our synod—our faith and values, ministries and events. These pages are filled with practical information for congregations and leaders, and will help you become familiar with the synod staff and governance.


Candidacy Process

Are you considering a vocation in the church? The candidacy process–which includes Entrance, Endorsement and Approval–begins by contacting your synod office: or 773-248-0021. Our director of candidacy will visit with you about your vocational discernment and the candidacy process, what forms are necessary and how to complete them. Blessings on your journey! 

Bishop Placing Hands on Candidate
People at lunch
Leadership event

Take the leadership leap

Mark your calendar for Saturday, March 29, and gather lay leaders from your congregation for the Metropolitan Chicago Synod’s second Lay Leadership Day. It is from 9 a.m.-1:30 p.m. at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church in Schaumburg.

In addition to opening worship and remarks from Bishop Curry on taking a leadership leap, workshops will explore church finance (Tom Anderson), church governance (Pastor/MCS Secretary Erin Clausen), lay leadership & equipping (Pastor Justin Baxter) and launching from the nest (Bishop Curry). 

Lunch group at 2024 Leadership day

Guest speaker is Deacon Meghan Sobocienski, executive director of Grace in Action Collectives in Detroit. She’s sharing practical knowledge of how your congregation can support your community in becoming a center of economic activity through the development of small businesses, worker-owned cooperatives, and youth-run enterprises. Along with practical tools, learn the theological and biblical background of the church as a key place for building and expanding economic justice.

In addition to the plenary and workshops, there will be plenty of time for conversation over lunch and during breaks.

Only $10 (to help cover the cost of lunch).


Get connected to the MCS by signing up for publications and following us on social media.

Congregational Support

As a synod, our work focuses on supporting and partnering with our congregations.

Leadership Support

Lay and clergy, find resources that will assist you in the work to which God has called you.


God’s work takes many and various forms. Learn about the ministries of our synod.

Our Stories

South African Delegation Visit

A visit from the MCS’s companion synod, the Central Diocese of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Southern Africa (ELCSA), was a highlight of our June 1 synod assembly and the days which followed.

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Metropolitan Chicago Synod Office

Ph: 773-248-0021 | Address: 1420 W. Dickens Avenue, Chicago, IL 60614