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Conference Deans

In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’

– Acts 20:35


The Dean of a Conference shall:
  • aid the Conference and its planning council in setting and achieving Conference objectives,
  • arrange the monthly meetings of ordained ministers (deacons and pastors),
  • maintain personal contacts with the ordained ministers of the Conference,
  • serve as a communications link between the synod office and the ordained ministers of the Conference,
  • make an annual written report to the bishop — including a summary of Conference activities and advising with respect to the conditions and needs of this church within the Conference — to be part of the reports to the Assembly, and
  • perform such other duties as the bishop may from time to time assign.

The deans may attend meetings of the Council as spokespeople and observers for their Conferences, with voice but not vote at such meetings.

Contact Info by Location

Central Conference Dean

Pastor Jason Glombicki

Wicker Park Lutheran Church

Relates to Pastor Sunitha Mortha


Near West Conference Dean 

Pastor Chris Honig

Ascension Lutheran Church

Relates to Pastor Nathan Klein


North Conference Dean

Pastor Eric Schaefer

Relates to Pastor Nathan Klein


Northeast Conference Dean

Pastor Kelly Faulstich 

Resurrection Lutheran Church

Pastor Luke Harris-Ferree

Grace Lutheran Church

Relates to Pastor Kathy Nolte


Northwest Conference Dean

Pastor Katherine Ehlert

Lutheran Church of the Cross
Arlington Heights

Pastor Charles Plummer
The Lutheran Home in Arlington Heights

Relates to Pastor Kathy Nolte


South Conference Dean

Pastor Nancy Goede

Augustana Lutheran Church

Relates to Pastor Carla Thompson Powell


Southwest Conference Co-Deans

Pastor Lynn Bird

Zion Lutheran Church
Tinley Park

Pastor Bethany Ulrich

First Lutheran Church
Blue Island

Relates to Pastor Kathy Nolte 


West Conference Dean

Pastor Anders Nelson 

St. Paul Lutheran Church

Relates to Pastor Sunitha Mortha


Synod Staff Relaters

Pastor Sunitha Mortha () – Central and West

Pastor Nathan Klein () – North and Near West

Pastor Kathy Nolte () – Northwest, Northeast and Southwest

Pastor Carla Thompson Powell ()- South