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Synod Assembly Archives

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35th Annual Synod Assembly (2022)

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Resolutions and Memorials:

Summary of Assembly Business:

  • Elections: Clyde Walter and Iván Perez were elected as lay male nominees from the Metropolitan Chicago Synod to be on the ballot for election to Church Council at the ELCA Churchwide Assembly in August.
  • Sunergos Awardees: Sandie Schlauch and Viola Collins were each presented with the Sunergos Award by Vice President Terry Henderson.
  • The 2023 proposed budget and amendments to the synod constitution were received and passed by the assembly.
  • Three memorials and two resolutions were received and passed by the assembly.
  • The ELCA Churchwide report was received from the Rev. Amy Reumann, Director of Advocacy for the ELCA.
  • The various reports of synod officers were also received.
  • The assembly program also included opportunities for participants to attend various workshops, led by MCS leaders, and the Blanket Exercise led by Vance Blackfox, Director for Indigenous Ministries and Tribal Relations for the ELCA.
  • Assembly concluded with a closing eucharist, with Aneel Trivedi (MCS first call candidate) preaching and Bishop Yehiel Curry presiding, followed by a dinner sponsored by Advocate Aurora Health.
34th and 33rd Annual Synod Assembly (2021 and 2020)

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Summary of Assembly Business:

  • Meeting virtually in assembly on June 5, 2021, from Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Naperville, Illinois, the morning began with a litany and song, followed by a framing of the assembly by Bishop Yehiel Curry, who described the “good stew” that results when each, from their own context and community, brings their best gifts forward for the good of all. This reflection introduced the full bishop’s address later in the morning. This framing was augmented by video highlights of new missions and mission stories throughout the virtual assembly. The bishop also announced the release of new funds for a new Congregational Recovery Grant and Ministry from the Margin funds, as well as the opportunity for participation in various working groups in the synod.
  • Mr. Terry Henderson and Pr. Erin Clausen were re-elected on the first ballots as Vice President and Secretary of the Synod Council, respectively, each committing to another term.
  • Ms. Mary Richardson was presented with the Sunergos Award by Vice President Terry Henderson.
  • A proposed budget and amendments to the MCS constitution were passed, as recommended by the 2019 ELCA Churchwide Assembly.
  • Elections to synod council, the committees on discipline and consultation, and for voting members to the Churchwide Assembly, were conducted using e-ballot software. In the election results below, PC/L indicates People of Color or People Whose Language Is Other Than English. The conference of each nominee is indicated in parentheses.
    • Elected as lay MCS voting members to Churchwide Assembly were: Selene Partida (Near West);  Ariolye Frost (Northeast) PC/L; Sherri D’Agostino (West); Ismael Calderon (North) PC/L;  John Nicholas (Northwest); Zachary Howell (Southwest); Elisabeth Trost (Northeast); and  Frank Imhoff (Northwest); Yvette Newberry White (South) PC/L; and Kayshawn Colbert Jones (Near West) PC/L (Youth Delegate).
    • Elected as rostered voting members to Churchwide Assembly were: the Rev. Erin Clausen (Near West); the Rev. Alison Bengfort (Northeast); the Rev. Jason Glombicki (Central); the Rev. Nathan Klein (Southwest); and the Rev. Lester White (South) PC/L.
    • Elected a lay members of synod council were: Kristina Adamczeski (Near West); Nancy Arnesen (West); Ivan Perez (Central) PC/L; and Robert Langlois (Northwest).
    • Elected as rostered members to synod council were: the Rev. Maria Rojas-Banda (Near West) PC/L; the Rev. Joel Lohafer (Northwest); and the Rev. Lester White (South) PC/L.
    • Elected to the Committee on Consultation were: Barbara Hiller (Northeast) and Thomas Weglarz (North).
    • Elected to the Committee on Discipline were: Wayne Giampietro (North); Angela Bell (Southwest); the Rev. Melody Eastman (West); the Rev. Carla Powell (Central); and the Rev. Josh Evans (Northeast).
  • The Assembly concluded with a brief litany, prayer, and song.
32nd Annual Synod Assembly (2019)

Click here for the minutes.

31st Annual Synod Assembly (2018)

Click here for the minutes.

30th Annual Synod Assembly (2017)

Click here for the minutes.

29th Annual Synod Assembly (2016)

Click here for the minutes.

28th Annual Synod Assembly (2015)

Click here for the minutes.

27th Annual Synod Assembly (2014)

Click here for the minutes.