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News & Publications

However, I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me – the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace.

– Acts 20:24

Metro Word

The Metro Word is the magazine of the Metropolitan Chicago Synod and is published electronically four times a year by the communications staff of the synod. All submissions will be edited for space, clarity, and to conform to synod guidelines. During the communications transition in the synod office, news and events for publicity may be sent to Julie Sevig at .

Publication Schedule and Deadlines for Submissions:

  • Spring Issue (March 1 deadline)
  • Summer Issue (June 15 deadline)
  • Fall Issue (September 1 deadline)
  • Winter Issue (December 1 deadline)

Metro Word 2024 Issues

Winter Issue

Spring 2024

Summer 2024


View Previous Years’ Issues

Metro E-Word

The Metro E-Word is the primary email communication of the Metropolitan Chicago Synod for our rostered ministers, lay leaders, and members and is published twice a month, typically on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays. The deadline for submissions is Wednesday at 12:00 PM for inclusion in the coming Thursday’s email. All submissions will be edited for space, clarity, and to conform to synod guidelines. During the communications transition in the synod office, news and events for publicity may be sent to Julie Sevig at

View Metro E-Word Issues


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