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The 2022 ELCA Churchwide Assembly directed “the Church Council to establish a Commission for a Renewed Lutheran Church comprised of leaders of diverse representation from all three expressions that, working in consultation with the Conference of Bishops and the Church Council, shall reconsider the statements of purpose for each of the expressions of this church, the principles of its organizational structure, and all matters pertaining thereunto, being particularly attentive to our shared commitment to dismantle racism, and will present its findings and recommendations to the 2025 Churchwide Assembly in preparation for a possible reconstituting convention to be called under the rules for a special meeting of the Churchwide Assembly.” (Additional information can be found here). 



At its November 2022 meeting, the ELCA Church Council authorized the establishment of a Commission for a Renewed Lutheran Church (CRLC) to consist of no more than 35 voting members. The commission will be composed of three voting members from each region of this church, for a total of 27, and up to eight at-large voting members. 

  1. At-large members will be chosen from among all the names received, both from synod nominations and from the open nomination process. You can submit an at-large nomination form here.
  2. Each synod council or synod executive committee will be invited to submit two potential nominees. In addition, there will be an open nomination process. For each region the Church Council will appoint two people from among the synod nominations and one person from the open nominations. Additional information about the synod’s nomination/application process can be found below.


The ELCA holds high expectations for and grants significant trust to a commission that leads the work to reconsider the statements of purpose and the principles of this church’s organizational structure, and “all matters pertaining thereunto.” The commission leads this work on behalf of the whole denomination, and the process comprises different phases across a nearly 24-month period. Each phase contributes significantly toward a faithful outcome, and members are engaged during each phase: 

  • Listening: Listening occurs in ad hoc situations and at organized listening events at which church members have a chance to share their insights and concerns about the topics and the process. Each commission member will be expected to host at least one listening event. 
  • Study: This entails reading outside of meetings and engaging with presentations and consultations from others such as full communion partners and teaching theologians. 
  • Resource production: The commission may provide resources of various kinds as a means for church members to engage the issues and provide feedback. 
  • Report and recommendations: Commission members write and direct the development of the report with the findings and recommended next steps. Members will consult with the Conference of Bishops and the Church Council in their work. This final phase includes sending a revised draft to the conference and council for their review and further action in anticipation of the 2025 Churchwide Assembly. 

Potential members of the commission must be prepared to devote significant time and energy toward the tasks with which they might be entrusted. Over the course of the commission’s work, membership commitment entails: 

  • Attendance and contribution at each of the 14-15 meetings total. Generally, there will be two in-person meetings per year at the Lutheran Center in Chicago and the remaining meetings will be held online every two months. The first meeting is scheduled for July 13-15, 2023. All travel, room costs, and meals for the in-person meetings will be covered by the churchwide organization in accordance with the guidelines and policies of the ELCA.
  • Leadership in the various feedback activities: Listening events (2023), stakeholder feedback (2024), and engagement and consultation with key leaders (2025). 
  • Reading in advance of each meeting — such preparation includes articles or essays (early on) and stakeholder response forms and reports (following the feedback period, for instance). 
  • Other leadership opportunities as they present themselves, such as hosting a workshop at the 2023 Rostered Ministers Gathering or an information booth at the 2024 ELCA Youth Gathering, including the MYLE, the tAble, and the Young Adult Gathering.

Additional information about the commitments and expectations can be found here.



In the spirit of robust engagement and transparency, the Metropolitan Chicago Synod Council has begun a process to identify two potential nominees/applicants from the synod as a part of the overall process noted above. The synod’s process is in addition to the ELCA Churchwide application/nomination process found here.  All nominations/applications will be reviewed by a subcommittee for the Synod Council who will help the Synod Council to make a final decision on its two nominees. The synod’s nomination/application form will close on Sunday, February 26th at 11:59pm (CST). 


To best ensure that the Commission for a Renewed Lutheran Church best represents the diversity of our church, we invite you to directly engage with congregation members, deacons, and pastors who will best serve our church in this function. Below are a couple of examples you can use in your newsletter and bulletins to share this process widely and ensure that we best position the ELCA for the future!




If you have any questions or need support completing this nomination form, please contact the Rev. Carla Thompson Powell at .


¡Ayúdanos a renovar a la IELA! En la Asamblea Nacional del 2022, los miembros votantes adoptaron un memorial para reestructurar la forma de gobernar en la IELA.


En noviembre del 2022, el Consejo de la Iglesia autorizó el establecimiento de la “Comisión para una Iglesia Luterana Renovada” (CRLC, por sus siglas en inglés) que constaría de no más de 35 miembros votantes.


El proceso de nominación para la CRLC está abierto. Puede encontrar más información sobre el compromiso y la expectativa del servicio en la CRLC aquí. Someta su solicitud o nomine a otra persona (con su consentimiento) antes del domingo 26 de febrero. Complete el breve formulario de nominación en


Si tiene alguna pregunta o necesita ayuda para completar este formulario de nominación, comuníquese con la Reverenda Carla Thompson Powell en .