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Working Group on the Middle East (WGME)

Our Ministry

Within the Metropolitan Chicago Synod we have a dedicated
Working Group on the Middle East.

Our Mission

“Led by the Holy Spirit, the Working Group on the Middle East (WGME) of the Metropolitan Chicago Synod, ELCA, will educate and urge the Metropolitan Chicago Synod to advocate actively for justice for Palestine and Israel, which will lead to peace in the Middle East to ensure free access to the holy sites for Jews, Christians and Muslims.” 

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We strive to educate ourselves, our church, and our communities about the history of the region, about Lutherans in the Holy Land, and about such current issues as economic justice, access to holy sites for all, and an end to the Israeli occupation of Palestine.

How can we learn through events?  In February 2020 the Working Group sponsored a well-attended Middle East Fair with such presentations as Life on the Ground in Palestine, Lutheran Schools in Palestine, and An Overview of Islam. Display tables featured the work of such groups as ELCA Young Adults in Global Mission, Bright Stars of Bethlehem, and Jewish Voice for Peace, as well as sales of embroidered cloth, olive wood carvings, and olive oil.

“Learn More” will take you to a document with many more opportunities to learn more.

Take Action


In the tradition of the Hebrew prophets, we join with ELCA/Sumud and many others to promote boldly the cause of justice for all in the Holy Land through public witness and outreach with government officials.

What are some ways the Metro Chicago Synod does advocacy?

Through resolutions: The conflict and suffering in Gaza and Israel prompted the drafting of a resolution calling for Metro Chicago Synod actions and a memorial intended for the 2025 Churchwide Assembly. Both were discussed and adopted at the June 1, 2024, Synod Assembly.

Picture of Jerusalem
Walk Alongside


As a church and as a working group we strive to listen to our companions in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land/ELCJHL, to share their stories, and to stand in solidarity with them—and with all the peoples of the Holy Land.

Metro Chicago and Florida-Bahamas Synod members visit Caesarea in April 2023

Accompaniment Partners

ELCA Sumud

The name sumud, Arabic “steadfastness,” was chosen at the suggestion of the ELCA’s Palestinian Lutheran companions to continue “Peace Not Walls,” a campaign initiated by the ELCA Churchwide Assembly in 2005.   

Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land

Since 1947, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land (ELCJHL) has been an independent Palestinian denomination with bishops and pastors born and raised in the West Bank and Jerusalem.

Images of Ministries of the ELCHJL

Bright Stars of Bethlehem

Bright Stars of Bethlehem is a 501c3 nonprofit group that for 20 years has raised “awareness and support for Dar al-Kalima University, the first and only university for arts, culture, and design in Palestine.

Bright Stars of Bethlehem Logo

Augusta Victoria Hospital

Augusta Victoria Hospital (AVH) became a hospital in 1947 and offers kidney dialysis and cancer treatment for all West Bank and Jerusalem

Augusta Victoria Hospital

Churches for Middle East Peace

Founded in 1984, Churches for Middle East Peace has been a major advocacy and accompianment partner with the ELCA for decades.

Churches for Middle East Peace Logo

Our Members

Pastor Robin Brown Our Saviour’s, Arlington Heights

Dixie Downes Luther Memorial, Chicago

Pastor Joanne Fitzgerald   Bethlehem, Elgin 

Helen Grosshans   Our Saviour’s, Arlington Heights 

Pastor Anna-Kari Joy Langseth Johnson   Christ, Chicago 

Emmanuel Johnson, Christ, Chicago

Hope Johnson, Christ, Chicago

Pastor Kelsey Johnson Redeemer, Hinsdale

Pastor Kristian Johnson, Christ, Chicago

Xavier Johnson, Christ, Chicago

Cheryl Juris   Zion, Elgin 

Alice Kosnik   Lutheran Church of the Ascension, Northfield

Terry Guymon Kyllo   Zion, Tinley Park 

Carol Schersten LaHurd   Holy Trinity, Chicago 

Daniel Newgarden Ebenezer, Chicago

Pastor Jeff Nichols   Grace, LaGrange 

Gail Price   Lutheran Church of the Ascension, Northfield

Dieter R. Schulte   Luther Memorial, Chicago 

Pastor Ben Sloss   Our Saviour’s, Naperville 

Elisabeth Trost Immanuel, Chicago

Pastor Leslie Weber   St. Mark, Mt. Prospect

Augusta Victoria Hospital Visit
Signage at Augusta Victoria Hospital
Lutheran Preschool
Left to Right: Bishop Pedro Suarez, Father Elias Chacour, Bishop Yehiel Curry, and Pastor Khader El-Yateem
Pastor Khader El-Yateem speaking to the group
Visit to Redeemer Lutheran Church in the Old City — will send higher res separately