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Staff Directory

For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ.

– 1 Corinthians 12:12

Our Bishop

Bishop Yehiel Curry


Bishop Curry was elected in 2019 to a six-year term as bishop of the Metropolitan Chicago Synod. Earlier this year the Conference of Bishops elected him as chair. Among his many responsibilities in the synod is to preach, teach and administer the sacraments. He ordains, installs, and provides pastoral care for this synod’s rostered ministers of Word and Sacrament and Word and Service, and for our 165 congregations. Bishop Curry leads the process for resolution of controversies and the discipline of rostered ministers and congregations. In addition to interpreting and advocating the mission and theology of this church, he fosters an awareness of, and engagement with, churches throughout the Lutheran world communion and Christian leaders within our synod.

Prior to this call, he served as pastor and mission developer of Shekinah Chapel Lutheran Church in Chicago. He received his BA from Lewis University in Romeoville, Ill., and his MDiv from the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago.

He and his wife, LaShonda, are the parents of three daughters.

Email Bishop Curry

773.248.0021 ext. 211

Pastoral Staff

Pastor Carla Thompson Powell


Associate to the Bishop, Director for Evangelical Mission (DEM)

Relates to the South Conference

Talk to Pastor Carla about:

  • Synod-Authorized Worshipping Communities (SAWCs), mission developers and new mission congregations
  • Evangelical Mission and congregational vitality
  • Interim ministry
  • Rostered Ministers Conference
  • Mission Table

Email Pastor Carla


Pastor Sunitha Mortha


Associate to the Bishop and Director of Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DIB)

Relates to the Central and West Conferences

Talk to Pastor Sunitha about:

  • Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging
  • Synod boundaries training
  • Our companion synod
  • Diakonia
  • Middle East Working Group, Asian and Middle Eastern Strategy Teams

Email Pastor Sunitha


Pastor Kathy Nolte


Associate to the Bishop

Relates to the Northwest, Northeast and Southwest Conferences

Talk to Pastor Kathy about:

  • Three Pathways, which provides accompaniment to transitioning congregations
  • Reconciling in Christ and LGBTQIA+ communities
  • Environmental Energy Loan program

Email Pastor Kathy


Pastor Nathan Klein


Associate to the Bishop

Relates to the Near West and North Conferences

Talk to Pastor Nathan about:

  • Mobility process for rostered ministers
  • Worship resources, ordinations
  • First Call Theological Education
  • Synod Constitution Review Committee
  • Pulpit supply

Email Pastor Nathan


Pastor Maria Rojas-Banda


LatinX Strategy Coordinator


Talk to Pastor Maria about:

  • Latinx Strategy
  • Churchwide Latinx table and organizations

Email Pastor Maria


Professional Staff

Heather Haynes


Executive Assistant to the Bishop

Talk to Heather about:

  • Bishop’s calendar and official correspondence
  • Synod council and executive committee minutes
  • Transfers, change of call, change of roster, retirement of rostered ministers
  • Synod stewardship, synod grants

Email Heather

773.248.0021 ext. 215

Tom Anderson

General Manager/Human Resources

Talk to Tom about:

  • Finance, budget and audit
  • Payroll, insurance, purchasing, grant funding
  • MCS property and software
  • Financial resources, salary compensation (synod guidelines) to congregations

Email Tom

773.248.0021 ext. 219

Deacon Julie Sevig


Director of Communications

Talk to Deacon Julie about:

  • E-Word and Metro Word publications
  • Social media accounts
  • Website management
  • General announcements from the synod

Email Deacon Julie

Office: 773.248.0021

Pastor Paul Willey


Office Manager

Talk to Pastor Paul about:

  • Front desk reception
  • How to register for events
  • Office administration

Email Pastor Paul


Deacon Pam Shearman


Director of Candidacy

Talk to Deacon Pam about:

  • Candidacy

Email Deacon Pam


Judy Nuehring


Youth Ministry Leader’s Network Coordinator

Talk to Judy about:

  • Synod youth ministry
  • MCS and ELCA Youth Ministry networks
  • Churchwide youth ministries/ELCA Youth Gathering

Email Judy

Office: 773.248.0021