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Bishop Yehiel Curry

Bishop Yehiel Curry


Bishop Curry was elected in 2019 to a six-year term as bishop of the Metropolitan Chicago Synod. Earlier this year the Conference of Bishops elected him as chair. Among his many responsibilities in the synod is to preach, teach and administer the sacraments. He ordains, installs, and provides pastoral care for this synod’s rostered ministers of Word and Sacrament and Word and Service, and for our 165 congregations. Bishop Curry leads the process for resolution of controversies and the discipline of rostered ministers and congregations. In addition to interpreting and advocating the mission and theology of this church, he fosters an awareness of, and engagement with, churches throughout the Lutheran world communion and Christian leaders within our synod.

Prior to this call, he served as pastor and mission developer of Shekinah Chapel Lutheran Church in Chicago. He received his BA from Lewis University in Romeoville, Ill., and his MDiv from the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago.

He and his wife, LaShonda, are the parents of three daughters.


From 2013-2019, Bishop Curry served as pastor of Shekinah Chapel Lutheran Church, where he also served as mission developer from 2007 to 2012


Bishop Curry received a Bachelor of Arts from Lewis University in Romeoville, Illinois in 1995, and a Master of Divinity from the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago in 2013.

Bishop Curry's Portfolio

In accordance with duties and responsibilities enumerated in the synod constitution, the Bishop:

  • Preaches, teaches, and administers the sacraments, as well as oversees the preaching, teaching, and administration of the sacraments within this synod;
  • Interprets and advocates the mission and theology of this church;
  • Ordains, installs, and provides pastoral care and leadership for this synod’s ministers of Word and Sacrament and Word and Service, and for its congregations;
  • Administers processes for the resolution of controversies and the discipline of rostered ministers and congregations of this synod;
  • Serves on the Conference of Bishops, consulting regularly with other synod bishops;
  • Fosters awareness of and engagement with churches throughout the Lutheran world communion and with Christian judicatory leaders functioning in the synod’s territory;
  • Presides at all meetings of the Synod Assembly, Synod Council, and the Council’s Executive Committee;
  • Supervises the work of the other synod officers and coordinates the work of all synod staff members;
  • Provides for the maintenance of ministry and congregational rosters of this synod.
In addition, the Bishop:
  • Relates to and serves on the governance boards of social ministry organizations and mission partners affiliated with this synod;
  • Oversees the Turnaround Synod Initiative;
  • Relates to the synod’s Conference of Deans table;
  • Staffs the Deans/Conferences Working Group.

Contact Bishop Curry

Ph: 773-248-0021 | Email: