
Documents & Resources

For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks, it will be opened.

– Matthew 7:8

Document Library Search

TitleCategoriesDate Publishedhf:tax:mediacat
50 Ways to Welcome Your New Pastor MCSELCA, , congregation-docs transition-process transitions leader-docs
2020 Salary Guidelines for Rostered Leaders in the Metropolitan Chicago Synod 2020congregation-docs
Authorization Request for Criminal Records Verification and Fingerprint Records MCSELCAcongregation-docs
Checklist for Congregations in Transition MCSELCA, , , congregation-docs leader-docs transition-process transitions
Concealed Carry in Places of Worshipcongregation-docs
Discernment Process for Termination ELCAcongregation-docs
Maintaining ELCA Benefit Coverage in Times of Transition MCSELCA, , , 02/28/2017congregation-docs leader-docs transition-process transitions
Mission Interpreters MCSELCAcongregation-docs
Salary Guidelines 202101/01/2021congregation-docs
Service for Installation of a Pastor From Occasional Services for the Assembly (copyright 2009) MCSELCA06/09/2009congregation-docs
Statement Of Policy Regarding Sexual Misconduct By Members Of The Clergy And Rostered Lay People MCSELCAcongregation-docs
Steps for Dissolution of a Congregation ELSA MCSELCAcongregation-docs
Stewardship Vision and Plan MCSELCAcongregation-docs
The Ethics of Pastoral Transition MCSELCA, , , congregation-docs leader-docs transition-process transitions
Transition Process MCSELCA, , , congregation-docs leader-docs transition-process transitions
Volunteer Expense Voucher MCSELCA01/01/2018leader-docs
Application for Calls and Appointments to Ministries in Specialized Settings MCSELCA, leader-docs ministries-in-special-settings
Model Covenant for Congregations and Non-Rostered Parish Deacons MCSELCA, congregation-docs leader-docs
Part-time Ministry Guidelines MCSELCAleader-docs
Policy and Procedures Related to Retired Status or the Designation of Disability ORDAINED, leader-docs retirement-and-disability
On Leave from Call Guidelines for Word and Sacrament MCSELCA, leader-docs on-leave-forms
On Leave from Call Guidelines for Word and Service MCSELCA, leader-docs on-leave-forms
Disability and Retirement Word and Sacrament MCSELCA, leader-docs retirement-and-disability
Disability and Retirement Word and Service MCSELCA, leader-docs retirement-and-disability
Marriage Ceremonies. Who Can Perform Them, leader-docs weddings
Enrich and Transform Welcoming LGBTQ Candidates into the Call Process MCSELCAcall-process-docs congregation-docs
Companion Synod Covenant between Central Diocese, Evangelical Lutheran Church in Southern Africa and Metropolitan Chicago Synod Evangelical Lutheran Church in America06/13/1997ecumenical-covenants
Ecumenical Covenant MCSELCA Roman Catholic Church10/31/2017ecumenical-covenants
Bishop Curry 2019 Christmas Message12/25/2019news-releases-and-statements
Conference Map Metropolitan Chicago Synod, congregation-docs misc-docs
ELCA Metropolitan Chicago Synod Color Coded by Conferences09/01/2018congregation-docs
Synod Publications Communications and Media Policy MCDELCA 202004/01/2020misc-docs
Bishop Curry 2019 Christmas Message12/25/2019news-releases-and-statements
Guidelines for Creating Synod Council Governance Policies 2018 MCSELCA, 10/17/2018assembly-docs synod-council
Governance Policy for Fundraising by Primary Organizational Partners Adopted June 2011 MCSELCA, 06/01/2018assembly-docs synod-council
Approved Budget 2016 Synod Assembly, 01/01/2016assembly-docs budget
Approved Budget 2018 Synod Assembly, 01/01/2018assembly-docs budget
Approved Budget 2019 Synod Assembly, 01/01/2019assembly-docs budget
Approved Budget 2020 Synod Assembly, 01/01/2020assembly-docs budget
ELECTION Report of Regular Ballots 2017, 01/01/2017assembly-docs election-results
ELECTION Report of the Ecclesiastical Ballot for Bishop, 05/01/2019assembly-docs election-results
ELECTION Report of the Second Ballot for Bishop, 05/01/2019assembly-docs election-results
Election Results Assembly 2016, 01/01/2016assembly-docs election-results
Election Results Assembly 2019, 01/01/2019assembly-docs election-results
ELECTIONS Report of First Generation Ballot 2015 MCSELCA, 01/01/2015assembly-docs election-results
ELECTIONS Report of Second Ballot For Vice President & Secretary, 01/01/2019assembly-docs election-results
Diakonia Annual Report June 2015, , 06/01/2015assembly-docs diakonia-docs leader-docs
Memorial On African Descent Lutheran Black Lives Matter, 04/01/2016assembly-docs memorials
Memorial On Gun Violence and Gun Policy, 02/01/2018assembly-docs memorials
Memorial On Protecting Human Rights of Palestinian Children, 03/01/2018assembly-docs memorials
Memorial On Suicide Prevention And Response, 06/01/2009assembly-docs memorials
MEMORIAL TO SUPPORT THE ADOPTION OF THE RECOMMENDED PROPOSED 2 SOCIAL STATEMENT Faith, Sexism, and Justice- A Lutheran Call to Action MCSELCA, 01/01/2019assembly-docs memorials
To Encourage Participation In ELCA Anti-hunger Efforts, 04/01/2009assembly-docs memorials
A Memorial Concerning Human Sexuality, 05/01/2009assembly-docs memorials
Memorial To The Elca Churchwide To Support The National Poor Peoples Campaign, 01/01/2018assembly-docs memorials
2014 – 27th Annual Synod Assembly, 05/31/2014assembly-docs minutes
2015 – 28th Annual Synod Assembly, 05/30/2015assembly-docs minutes
2016 – 29th Annual Synod Assembly, 06/11/2016assembly-docs minutes
2017 – 30th Annual Synod Assembly, 06/10/2017assembly-docs minutes
2018 – 31st Annual Synod Assembly, 06/09/2018assembly-docs minutes
Prayers for the Middle East, assembly-docs misc
Round-robin Congregational Auditing, 01/01/2009assembly-docs misc
Report on the 28th Annual Assembly, 05/30/2015assembly-docs reports
Report on the 29th Annual Assembly, 06/11/2016assembly-docs reports
Report on the 30th Annual Assembly MCSELCA, 06/10/2017assembly-docs reports
Report on the 32nd Annual Assembly, 06/08/2019assembly-docs reports
Resolution Security for Holy Land 01-13, 01/01/2013assembly-docs resolutions
Resolution For Criminal Justice 2015, 01/01/2015assembly-docs resolutions
Resolution on Bread for the World 2015, 02/01/2015assembly-docs resolutions
Resolution On Dealing With Depression And Intentional Death Or 2 Suicide In Our Churches 2019, 02/01/2019assembly-docs resolutions
Resolution On Gun Violence and Gun Policy 2018, 02/01/2018assembly-docs resolutions
Resolution On Gun Violence and Gun Policy 2019, 02/01/2018assembly-docs resolutions
Resolution On Hunger, 03/01/2015assembly-docs resolutions
Resolution On U. S. Government Aid To State Of Israel 2015 MCSELCA, 04/01/2015assembly-docs resolutions
Resolution To Reactivate Lutheran Advocacy Illinois 2016, 02/01/2016assembly-docs resolutions
Resolution To Support Elca World Hunger 2016, 03/01/2016assembly-docs resolutions
Resolution To Support The Adoption Of The Recommended Proposed Social Statement – Faith Sexism And Justice — A Lutheran Call To Action 2019, 01/01/2019assembly-docs resolutions
Resolution To Support The Illinois Poor People’s Campaign 2018, 01/01/2018assembly-docs resolutions
MCSELCA Logo Files, 05/01/2020congregation-docs misc-docs
ICE Statement, 07/31/2020espanol spanish
Latino Strategy Document 2016 Spanish, 05/01/2016espanol spanish
Latino Strategy Document 2016, 04/30/2016espanol spanish
Restaurando el Sínodo Metropolitano de Chicago – Resumen de Pautas, 1, , 08/01/2020covid-resources espanol spanish
Restaurando el Sínodo Metropolitano de Chicago – Resumen de Pautas, 2, , 08/01/2020covid-resources espanol spanish
Restaurando el Sínodo Metropolitano de Chicago – Resumen de Pautas, 3, , 08/01/2020covid-resources espanol spanish
Metropolitan Chicago Synod Book of Reports 2020, 12/01/2020assembly-docs reports
Ordination Policies and Procedures, 12/01/2020call-process-docs congregation-docs
Tier 2 Mitigation Measures | Medidas de Mitigación de Nivel 2, , , , 01/19/2021covid-resources espanol news-releases-and-statements recursos-covid spanish
2021 Nomination Form for Churchwide Assembly (CWA), assembly-docs nominations
2021 Nomination Form for Consultation Committee, assembly-docs nominations
2021 Nomination Form for Synod Council, assembly-docs nominations
2021 Nomination Form for Discipline Committee, assembly-docs nominations
2021 Book of Reports, Revised 05-11-2021, assembly-docs reports
MCS Assembly 2021 Voting Member Handbookassembly-docs
_MCS Voting Member handbook final updated 05 26 2021 .docxassembly-docs
_MCS Voting Member handbook final updated 5 27 2021 .docx (1)assembly-docs
2021 Elections Resourceassembly-docs
Book of Reports MCS-ELCA Synod Assembly 6-2-2021 clickable PDF, assembly-docs reports
MCS Assembly Voting Member Handbook Update 06 02 2021assembly-docs
_MCS Voting Member handbook 06 03 2021.docxassembly-docs
Book of Reports MCSELCA Synod Assembly 6-30-2021 clickable PDF, assembly-docs reports
Book of Reports Synod Assembly MCSELCA 2021 updated 07 14 2021, assembly-docs reports
Synod_Assembly First General Ballot Results 2021-06-05, assembly-docs election-results
SWO Newsletter July 2021news-releases-and-statements
Report on the 33rd and 34th Annual Assembly cassembly-docs
2022 Salary Guidelines for Rostered Leaders12/22/2021congregation-docs
Recommended Constitution to 2022 Assembly with descriptions05/02/2022assembly-docs
Explanation of recommended amendments to MCS governing docs for 2022 presentation download 4.2205/02/2022assembly-docs
2020 and 2021 – 33rd and 34th Annual Synod Assembly, 07/01/2021assembly-docs minutes
Synod Council Minutes – January 29, 202205/02/2022synod-council assembly-docs
2019 – 32nd Annual Synod Assembly, 07/01/2019assembly-docs minutes
Book of Reports Synod Assembly MCSELCA 2022 First Edition Clickable Table of Contents, assembly-docs reports
Resolution on Support for the First Amendment Right to Boycott 05.19.22, assembly-docs resolutions
Memorial to Uphold the Dignity of the Office of Ministry 05.19.22, assembly-docs resolutions
Care for BIPOC Leaders and Congregations During Times of Alleged Misconduct and Discipline 05.24.22, assembly-docs resolutions
Memorial to Restructure the Governance of the ELCA 06.02.22, assembly-docs resolutions
2022 Assembly – Rules of Organization and Procedure, assembly-docs misc
Resolution on Care for Black, Indigenous, Persons of Color Leaders (BIPOC) FINAL, 06/16/2022assembly-docs resolutions
Resolution on Right to Boycott FINAL, 06/16/2022assembly-docs resolutions
Memorial on Support for the First Amendment Right to Boycott FINAL, 06/16/2022assembly-docs memorials
Memorial to Restructure the Governance of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America FINAL, 06/16/2022assembly-docs memorials
Memorial to Uphold the dignity of the office of ministry FINAL, 06/16/2022assembly-docs memorials
2022 Book of Reports – Final, 07/05/2022assembly-docs reports
Rostered Ministers Gathering – Registration Form, 07/21/2022leader-docs misc-docs
Registration for 2022 SWO Convention08/23/2022misc-docs
Growing in Faith – Diakonia – Brochure, 08/30/2022diakonia-docs leader-docs
Diakonia Application for Enrollment 2022 – Updated, 09/06/2022diakonia-docs leader-docs
Congregation Leader’s Evaluation of Interim Ministry, , , , 09/08/2022congregation-docs interim-ministry leader-docs transition-process transitions
Congregational Interim Ministry Survey, , , , 09/08/2022congregation-docs interim-ministry leader-docs transition-process transitions
Sample Installation of an Interim Pastor, , , , 09/08/2022congregation-docs interim-ministry leader-docs transition-process transitions
ON-LEAVE-FROM-CALL-Annual-Report-and-Request-for-Renewal-_-Family-Leave, 09/30/2022leader-docs on-leave-forms
On-Leave-from-Call-Annual-Report-and-Request-for-Renewal-Graduate-Study-MCSELCA, 09/30/2022leader-docs on-leave-forms
On-Leave-from-Call-Annual-Report-and-Request-for-Renewal-MCSELCA, 09/30/2022leader-docs on-leave-forms
On-Leave-from-Call-Application-Family-Leave-MCSELCA, 09/30/2022leader-docs on-leave-forms
On-Leave-from-Call-Application-Graduate-Study-MCSELCA, 09/30/2022leader-docs on-leave-forms
On-Leave-from-Call-Application-MCSELCA, 09/30/2022leader-docs on-leave-forms
On-Leave-from-Call-Extension-Graduate-Study-MCSELCA, 09/30/2022leader-docs on-leave-forms
On-Leave-from-Call-Extension-MCSELCA, 09/30/2022leader-docs on-leave-forms
ON-LEAVE-FROM-CALL-STATUS-Application-for-Extension-_-FAMILY-LEAVE, 09/30/2022leader-docs on-leave-forms
Application for Disability MCSELCA, 09/30/2022leader-docs retirement-and-disability
Salary Guidelines 2023, 10/21/2022congregation-docs leader-docs
Three Pathways Guide _ 2022, , , congregation-docs leader-docs transition-process transitions
Outdated MCS Constitution – November 2022assembly-docs
Guidelines for calls to Ministry in-Special Settings, leader-docs ministries-in-special-settings
Book of Reports 2023 MCSELCA | Edition May 14 2023, 05/14/2023assembly-docs reports
Book of Reports 2023 MCSELCA | Edition May 19 2023 Clickable Links, , , , , , , 05/26/2023assembly-docs budget memorials minutes misc reports resolutions synod-council
2023 Synod Assembly Elections Guide, assembly-docs nominations
Book of Reports 2023 MCSELCA | Edition June 28, 2023 with Clickable Links, , , , , , , , , 06/28/2023assembly-docs budget election-results memorials minutes misc nominations reports resolutions synod-council
Current MCS Constitution – June 2023 FINAL updatedassembly-docs
Launch Team Document MCSELCA06/15/2023mission-table
Launch Team Toolkit MCSELCAmission-table
Mission Table Job Description MCSELCA 6-19-2306/19/2023mission-table
Engagement Form for Congregations10/17/2023congregation-docs
Interim Pastor’s Evaluation of Interim Ministry MCSLECA, 12/31/2014congregation-docs transition-process
Sample Interim Ministry Covenant – Full-Time MCSELCA, , , 03/31/2006congregation-docs interim-ministry leader-docs transitions
Sample Interim Ministry Covenant – Hourly MCSELCA, , , , 03/31/2006congregation-docs interim-ministry leader-docs transition-process transitions
Interim-Ministry-Handbook-2022-1, , , , 12/08/2023congregation-docs interim-ministry leader-docs transition-process transitions
Interim Ministry Handbook 2023, , , , 12/15/2023congregation-docs interim-ministry leader-docs transition-process transitions
Book of Reports 2024 Metropolitan Synod: 1st Edition, 05/08/2024assembly-docs reports
Interim Pastor’s Report MCSELCA, , , , 05/22/2024call-process-docs congregation-docs interim-ministry leader-docs transition-process
Resolution: Affirming “Reconciling in Christ” Synod Status, 05/23/2024assembly-docs resolutions
2024 Book of Reports Metropolitan Synod 2nd Edition with Bishop’s Report, , , , , , , , , 07/10/2024assembly-docs budget election-results memorials minutes misc nominations reports resolutions synod-council

Resource Links

Candidacy & Call Process, Calling a Rostered Minister

Please visit the ELCA’s website for up-to-date documents and forms →

Rostered Leader Reports to Synod Bishops

The Rostered Minister Reports to Synod Bishops are available here on the ELCA webpage. You will need to save the form on your computer before filling it out and sending it to the synod office. If you do not save it first, there will be problems sending it later. 

Please e-mail the completed forms to Heather Haynes at the synod office, .

Thank you.


Metropolitan Chicago Synod Office

Ph: 773-248-0021

Address: 1420 W. Dickens Avenue, Chicago, IL 60614

In Jesus’ name: we proclaim the gospel, make disciples, do justice.


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